We have various grades of Black CTC (crush tea curl);

  • BP1: Broken Pekoe is has the larger particle size. The liquors are a bit light in body but with encouraging flavoring characteristics.
  • PF1: Pekoe Fanning 1. It is made up of black grainy particles slightly smaller in size than the BP1 grade.
  • Fngs1 (Fannings): The mixture has traces of black tea and large amount of smallish cut fibres often sifted out of the primary grades. F1 is quite useful in tea bags due to its quick brewing, strong flavour and good colour.
  • Fine particles
  • PD: Pekoe Dust. Often black and finer than the PF1 often with thick liquors and aroma.
  • Dust: Made up of tiny bits of broken leaf often used to brew strong tea quickly and popular for the tea bags.
  • Dust1: This is made up of the smallest particles.