• Tea contains catechins, a type of antioxidants that protect your body from fast aging. Drinking tea safeguards skin care, disappearance of wrinkles and therefore a tea user forgets skin inflammations and free radicals.


  • Tea has less caffeine than coffee. Switch to tea if drinking of coffee interferes with your sleep, causes indigestion, or headaches.
  • Tea helps you keep hydrated. Tea as caffeinated beverages contribute to our fluids needs.


  • Weight loss. Tea is a calorie-free beverage unless you add sweeteners or milk. Tea is a preferential choice. Consuming even 250 fewer calorie per day can result in losing one pound per week.
  • Tea improves health of your teeth and gums. Teas phenolics help inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. Tea contains fluoride and tannins that may keep your plaque at bay. Add your unsweetened daily dental health care of blushing and flossing to upgrade your teeth dental hygiene.


  • Antibiotic effects. Black tea catechins have also been shown to possess antibiotic properties due to their role in disrupting a specific stage of the bacteria DNA replication process.


  • Tea protects and builds strong bones. Tea flavonoids may be bone builders. Tea is beneficial phytochemicals. Research has shown that people who drank tea regularly have a higher bone mineral densities and strong bones even after advancing in age, body weight, exercising and other risk factors.


  • Boosts mental alertness and concentration. The amino acid L theanine found in high doses in black tea plant, actively alters the attention networks of the brains. It has been proposed that theanine is absorbed by small intestines and crosses the blood-brain barrier where it affects the brain neurotransmitters and increases alpha brain wave activity. The result is composure state of mind and alertness.


  • Tea reduces risks of heart attacks and strokes. Research has shown that consistent consumption of tea protect against cardiovascular diseases. Drinking tea may help your arteries clog-free and smoothes easy blood flow. Unwarranted blood clots formed from cholesterol and blood platelets cause heart attack and stroke. Tea lowers harmful cholesterol levels.



  • Tea boosts body immune systems. Tea drinking helps improve body immune defenses that fight off infections. Research indicated that theanine may help the body immune system by boosting the disease fighting capacity of gamma delta T cells. When 21 volunteers drank either five cup of tea or coffee each day for four weeks, researchers saw higher immune system activity in the blood sample analysis of tea drinkers.
  • Tea raises your metabolism. If you want to lose weight take more tea evenly. Tea speeds up fats oxidation and improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Black tea contains catechin phenolics that raise thermo genesis (the production of heat by the body) and hence increasing energy expenditure. Black tea increases metabolic rate so that you can burn 70 to 80 additional calories by taking just five cups of tea per week.


  • Tea lowers chances of cognitive impairment. Probably due to EGCG that passes through blood-brain barrier, research has depicted that elderly people that consumed more than two cups of black tea, a day had a 50% lower chance of cognitive impairment in comparison to those people who consumed other different beverages.


  • Stimulates body energy and lowers stress hormones levels. Researchers have indicated that black tea can lead to lower levels of stress hormone cortisol after stressful events. Probably that’s why Kenya produces the best’s world competing athletes that mainly come from Kericho and west of Rift rain forest highlands that’s Kenya oldest best black tea hub.